Happy New Year! Wow, 2022 had lots of surprises for me in many ways! I am looking forward to 2023 being another amazing year in the district. More events will be happening, and I am so excited to see the towns grow!
Residential Listings
Let’s start with Active listings on the Market in December 2022. There were 58 active listings on the Market, which is up from 39 in 2021.
In December, the average Days on Market was 37 Days. The median sales price was $449,950. In 2021 the median sales price was $370,000 with Days on the Market of 20.
11 properties sold in the Cripple Creek Victor Area, with a 100% chance of selling at the listing price.
Land Listings
Land Active listings on the Market in December 2022. There were 82 active listings on the Market, which is up from 51 in 2021.
This average Days on Market was 34 Days. The median sales price was $37,500, Which is up from 2021, where the median sales price was $25,500 with Days on the Market of 29.
December saw 13 properties sold in the Cripple Creek Victor Area, with an 89.6% chance of selling at the listing price.
Stay tuned for January stats which will be posted in February!