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Monthly Real Estate Market Stats for Cripple Creek Victor

What are you looking forward to in Spring?
Ruth Grainger  |  February 6, 2023
I don’t know how we are in February already, but here we are! I am preparing for Spring and warmer weather with garden planning and spring projects for the home. What are you looking forward to in Spring?

Residential Listings 

Let’s start with Active listings on the Market in January 2023. There were 51 active listings on the Market, which is up from 31 in 2022.
In January, the average Days on Market was 75 Days. The median sales price was $420,000. In 2022 the median sales price was $449,900 with Days on the Market of 10.
Eight properties sold in the Cripple Creek/Victor Area, with a 97.6% chance of selling at the listing price.

Land Listings

Land Active listings on the Market in January 2023. There were 69 active listings on the Market, which is up from 30 in 2022.
The average Days on Market were 28 Days. The median sales price was $27,000.
Compared to 2022, the median sales price was $23,200 with Days on Market of 82.
January saw 10 properties sold in the Cripple Creek/Victor Area, with an 86% chance of selling at the listing price.
In both the land and residential markets, we see the prices are starting to come back down to normal, and that properties are sitting a little longer. However, there are still buyers who are looking in the area, and they are buying! Stay tuned for February’s market stats coming in March!
For more information on Teller County, please visit Gold District Realty.

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